
Government Nizamia Tibbi College, Charminar is a premier Unani College and Hospital for research and training in Unani medicine in India and was established in 1938 by the then Nizam VIIth, HEH Mir Osman Ali Khan of Hyderabad. The vision of this institute is to strengthen and promote Unani system of medicines patient care in Unani medicine.


Presently, the hospital of the institute has an OPD wing and IPD of 180 beds with separate wards for male and female patients and Children .Private rooms are e also available for those patients who want full privacy with upgraded facilities on minimal payment basis. Clinical services are provided to the patients from general and specialty OPDs. Advice on nutritional plan for specific conditions is also given to the patients. Antenatal care and family planning services are also provided in Obstetrics and Gynaecological disorders unit. The hopsital has well established Regimental therapy centre. It is a special modality of treatment, where non-pharmaco therapeutic modalities (Hijama, Dalk, Hammam, Nutool and many more) are employed in the management of various disorders.

Besides providing Unani treatment to the patients suffering from Stroke, Hemiplagia Facial Palsy, Motor Neuron diseases and Parkinson’s disease it is also equipped with modern diagnostic laboratories-Pathology, Biochemistry, Radiology, Ultra Sonography, Opthalmology Unit headed by an Optholmologist, Dental Clinic headed by Dental Surgeon ,Labour Room headed by Gynaecologist and Obstetrician and Operation Theatre headed by General Surgeon .and also providing health care facilities to socioeconomically weaker groups at their door steps by organizing Health camps.

Nizamia offers post graduate teaching in five disciplines viz: Moalajat (Medicine), Ilmul Qabalat wa Amraze Niswan(Obstetrics and Gynaecology) Ilmul Advia (Pharmacology), Tahaffuzi wa Samaji Tib (Preventive and Social Medicine), Kulliyat (Basic Principles), The institute had started the Ph.D in two disciplines viz. Ilmul Qabalat wa Amraze Niswan(Obstetrics and Gynaecology,and Ilmul Advia.

So far many dissertations on Pre-clinical, Clinical and Epidemiological studies have been submitted to the then affiliating Dr. N T R University of Health Sciences Vijaywada, A P and presently to Kaloji Narayan Rao University of Health Sciences, Warangal, Telangana. The quality of research is ensured by monitoring of research work by various committees –Institutional Animal Ethical Committee under the guidance of CPCSEA, Ministry of Animal Husbandry , Govt. of India, Institutional Ethics Committee. Nizamia has published various journals besides its faculty members regularly publishes their research work in peer reviewed, indexed journals of National and International repute.

Good Clinical Practice and Good Teaching Practices are the two areas where AYUSH practitioners and teachers need to be regularly updated to keep up the standards of health delivery in accordance with the emerging trends. Also many issues of the curriculum cannot be covered, hence augmentations and clarification through direct interaction with the resource persons and domain experts is required. Therefore, Nizamia regularly organizes academic events like CME, Workshops, Seminars and Guest Lectures. Faculty members are also deputed to various training programmes to update their technical and professional skills. The institute remains in touch with premier scientific institution like Osmania Medical College, Institute of preventive medicines, Govt. Maternity Hospital, Central Research Institute of Unani Medicines and National Institute of Medical Heritage Hyderabad apart from sending students to these institutes.

Under the guidance of Ministry of AYUSH, Govt. of Telangana, the institute is trying its best to achieve its targets to become number one in academics, research, training and patient care.